Alphabetical list of foods
Click on any food for information on how it affects breast cancer risk and survival
- A
- Abalone
- Açaí berries
- Açaí juice
- Acorn squash
- Adzuki bean paste
- Adzuki beans
- Albacore tuna
- Alcohol
- Ale
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Algae
- Almond milk
- Almond paste
- Almonds
- Anchovies
- Anchovy paste
- Angus beef
- Apple juice
- Apples
- Apricots
- Apricots, Japanese
- Arborio rice
- Arctic char
- Artichoke, Jerusalem
- Artichokes
- Arugula
- Asian greens
- Asian pears
- Asparagus
- Asparagus, Chinese
- Autumn crocus
- Avocado oil
- Avocados
- B
- Bacon
- Balsamic vinegar
- Bananas
- Barbecued meat
- Basil
- Bean curd
- Beef
- Beer
- Beets
- Bell peppers
- Bilberries
- Bitter almond oil
- Bitter cucumber
- Bitter melon
- Black beans
- Black cumin
- Black or purple rice
- Black pepper
- Black tea
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Bok choy
- Boysenberries
- Brazil nuts
- Bread
- Broccoli
- Broccoli sprouts
- Brown rice
- Brown rice syrup
- Brussels sprouts
- Buckwheat
- Butter
- Butternut squash
- C
- Cabbage
- Canola oil
- Cantaloupe
- Capers
- Carrots
- Cashews
- Cauliflower
- Caviar
- Celery
- Chamomile
- Cheese
- Cherries
- Chicken
- Chickpeas
- Chilli peppers
- Chives
- Chocolate
- Cilantro
- Cinnamon
- Clams
- Coconut
- Coconut oil
- Coffee (for some)
- Collard greens
- Corn
- Corn oil
- Crab
- Cranberries
- Cream
- Cucumbers
- Cumin
- Curcumin
- Currants
- D - G
- Daidzein
- Dal
- Dill
- Dried herring
- Dried mackerel
- Dry beans
- Edamame
- Eggs
- Escargot
- Fennel
- Fennel seed
- Fermented beans
- Fermented milk
- Flaxseed
- Flaxseed oil
- Fried potatoes
- Garbanzo beans
- Garden cress
- Garlic
- Genistein
- Ghee
- Ginger
- Grape seed oil
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Grapes, muscadine
- Gravy
- Green beans
- Green onions
- Green papaya
- Green peas
- Green tea
- Greens
- H - L
- Halibut
- Ham
- Herring
- Holy basil
- Honey
- Horseradish
- Hot peppers
- Hummus
- Indian mustard
- Japanese kurozu
- Kale
- Kefir
- Kelp
- Kidney beans
- King mackerel
- Kiwifruit
- Kohlrabi
- Lake trout
- Lamb
- Lard
- Lavender
- Leeks
- Lemons
- Lentils
- Lettuce
- Lima beans
- Limes
- Lingonberries
- Liquor
- Liver
- Lobster
- Loganberries
- Low-fat yogurt
- M - O
- Macadamia nut oil
- Macadamia nuts
- Mackerel
- Maitake mushroom
- Mangoes
- Margarine
- Marionberrries
- Matcha tea
- Maté
- Mayonnaise
- Melons
- Mexican oregano
- Milk
- Mint
- Mint tea
- Mung beans
- Mushrooms
- Muskmelon
- Mussels
- Mustard
- Mustard greens
- Mustard oil
- Mutton
- Navy beans
- Oatmeal
- Oats
- Octopus
- Olive oil
- Olives
- Onions
- Oranges
- Oregano
- Oysters
- P
- Papaya
- Papaya seeds
- Paprika
- Parsley
- Parsnips
- Partially-hydrogen
- Passion fruit
- Paw paw
- Peaches
- Peanut oil
- Peanuts
- Pears
- Peas
- Pecans
- Peppermint
- Persipan
- Pesto sauce
- Pickled papaya
- Pickled watermelon
- Pickles
- Pineapple
- Pinto beans
- Pistachio nuts
- Plantago
- Plantains
- Plums
- Pomegranates
- Pork
- Portobello mushroom
- Potatoes
- Prunes
- Pumpkin seeds
- Pumpkins
- Q - R
- Radicchio
- Radish
- Raisins
- Rapeseed oil
- Rapini
- Raspberries
- Red bean paste
- Red beans
- Red cabbage
- Red currants
- Red onions
- Red pepper flakes
- Red pepper paste
- Red rice
- Red wine vinegar
- Reishi mushroom
- Rhubarb
- Ribs
- Rice
- Rice bran
- Rice bran oil
- Rice wine vinegar
- Risotto
- Roast beef
- Roasted almonds
- Roasted pork
- Roe
- Rolled oats
- Romaine lettuce
- Rosemary
- Rutabagas
- Rye
- S
- Safflower oil
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sage tea
- Salmon, wild
- Salt
- Sardines
- Sauerkraut
- Sausages
- Scallions
- Scallops
- Seaweed
- Sesame oil
- Sesame seeds
- Shallots
- Shellfish
- Shiitake mushroom
- Shrimp
- Smoked mackerel
- Snails
- Snow peas
- Soba noodles
- Soy infant formula
- Soy milk
- Soy protein bars
- Soy protein isolate
- Soybean oil
- Soybean paste
- Soybeans
- Spearmint
- Spinach
- Split peas
- Squash
- Steak
- Strawberries
- String beans
- Subtropical ginger
- Sugar
- Summer squash
- Sunflower oil
- Sunflower seeds
- Sweet peas
- Sweet potatoes
- T - Z
- Tabasco sauce
- Tahini
- Tallow
- Tangerines
- Tartary buckwheat
- Tea
- Thyme
- Tofu
- Tomato paste
- Tomatoes
- Tropical ginger
- Turkey
- Turkey bacon
- Turmeric
- Turnip greens
- Turnips
- Veal
- Vinegar
- Wakame
- Walnut oil
- Walnuts
- Wasabi
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Watermelon seeds
- Well-done meat
- Wheat bran
- Wheat germ
- Wheat grass
- White beans
- White bread
- White button mush.
- White pepper
- White tea
- White vinegar
- Whole wheat bread
- Wild ginger
- Wild rice
- Wine
- Winter squash
- Yerba maté
- Yogurt
- Zucchini