The current webpage is designed to make additional research available concerning how various fruits and fruit components influence hormone receptor positive (ER+/PR+) breast cancer risk, development, growth and prognosis. Below are links to studies relating to the beneficial fruits listed in Foods to eat & avoid for ER+/PR+ disease.
Fruit consumption inhibits ER+/PR+ disease primarily through the actions of polyphenols, among them anthocyanins (found, for example, in blackberries, boysenberries, and passion fruit), ellagic acid (pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries), fisetin (apples, grapes, kiwifruit), myricetin (black currants, cranberries, blueberries), phloretin (apples), quercetin (black currants, cranberries, raspberries), and resveratrol (bilberries, red currants, lingonberries), as well as melatonin (cherries) and fiber.
Fruit micronutrients should be obtained by eating fruit rather than taking supplements. When a beneficial micronutrient is administered at low doses by consuming food, it is likely to have subtle chemopreventive effects, whereas the same compound administered at high doses is more likely to have pharmacological effects, with possible unwanted outcomes. For example, resveratrol has been reported to promote proliferation of ER+/PR+ cells under some circumstances. In fact, while resveratrol has been shown to reduce ER+ cell growth at the earlier stages of cancer development, it can promote ER+ proliferation during later stages.