A new study has reported that purple rice bran and its biologically active compounds, cyanidin and peonidin, inhibit tumor angiogenesis. Like black rice, purple rice is a pigmented variety of common white rice. The study was designed to investigate the protective effects of purple rice bran against angiogenesis induced by VEGF.
VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is a cell protein which is vital in inducing tumor blood vessel formation. Purple rice bran extract was significantly suppressed VEGF-induced formation of capillary-like structures, as well as cell proliferation and migration. Cyanidin and peonidin were also found to suppress the proliferation and migration induced by VEGF. The authors conclude that purple rice bran extract and anthocyanidins suppress VEGF-induced angiogenesis by inhibiting proliferation and migration.

Foods that help suppress angiogenesis

The study supports previous findings concerning the anti-cancer properties of dark colored rice. The following foods have also been linked to reduced risk of breast cancer, in addition to containing compounds that suppress angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels which will supply nutrients to the tumor):On the other hand, exposure to cigarette smoke has been found to stimulate tumor angiogenesis.